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Q & A
Definition of LED product life4
https://www.prodigital.com.tw/en/custom_36833.html Definition of LED product life Definition of LED product life Indoor use 35,000~50,000 hours, outdoor 25,000~35,000 hours life as the benchmark, implement the production burn-in machine, screen out abnormal products, and attach a two-year warranty, filter abnormal products, and define the light decay index L70 specification, and provide maintenance Service, so that the goods are no longer consumables, and that the environmental protection festival is no longer a slogan!
https://www.prodigital.com.tw/en/ Prodigital Technology Corp.

Indoor use 35,000~50,000 hours, outdoor 25,000~35,000 hours life as the benchmark, implement the production burn-in machine, screen out abnormal products, and attach a two-year warranty, filter abnormal products, and define the light decay index L70 specification, and provide maintenance Service, so that the goods are no longer consumables, and that the environmental protection festival is no longer a slogan!